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The team put their heads together to come up with 3 new trends for 2023 and some top tips for 2024.
Trend 1: Embracing remote work
Any last hopes of dragging teams back into the office 5 days a week have been extinguished with the prominence of some degree of home working solidified. Whilst we are seeing more office attendance in 2023 than in 2022, companies now acknowledge offering a flexible work environment is a corner stone of their employee value proposition (EVP).
Trend 2: Elevated importance of interview technique
The shift to online interviewing has elevated the importance of strong interview performance. No longer can individuals bluff their way through meetings like they may have been able to do face to face pre pandemic. Candidates must be prepared not only on the business they are wanting to join but also their career history and what they want from a new position in the years ahead. Interviewers must be able to clearly articulate why their business and role is aligned with the candidates aspirations.
Trend 3: Innovative talent attraction
We are starting to see businesses innovate far more than they have historically around resource planning and service delivery. Attracting specialist and niche experience when hiring has always been the preference however, there has been a recognition time to hire ratios will bloat to unacceptable levels unless hiring managers embrace different approaches.
Tip 1: SEO optimisation
We can see which firms ranks where for what key words. We know who pays to be there and who does it organically.
It’s clear to us from this research, we could all be doing more on with SEO when it comes to talent acquisition. There are a lot of key words that aren’t difficult to rank for and with a bit of effort, you could really boost your position (and therefore visibility) to talent pools in 2024.
Tip 2: Parallel recruitment strategies
Time to hire ratios have been getting longer for a couple of years now. Reduce time to hire ratios by concurrently running recruitment strategies. This can be hard when internal teams are short of time and recruitment partners are paid on success however, if you partner effectively with talent acquisition, it’s very achievable.
While seeking the ideal candidate, you deploy flexible resourcing strategies to maintain momentum, significantly reducing time to hire ratios.
Tip 3: Communicate your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
From internal recruiters, to interviewers to third party recruiters, everyone needs to be on the same page. They need to be able to answer why join your business and why the role the candidate is considering is a good opportunity for them. Businesses that do this reduce time to hire, save on recruitment costs (as they aren’t just competing on salaries) and secure the best talent!
Attracting the very best talent has been tricky in 2023 but not impossible. I hope in some way this has helped you in your endeavours for 2024!
Martin has been advising businesses in talent acquisition and retention for over a decade. Discuss how you he can help you elevate your strategy, book a call or contact him at martin.wigfield@zatori-consulting.co.uk
Phone: 0113 467 5599
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