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Pensions Recruitment Agencies, Internal Recruiters, Hiring Managers, we all do this. We think good pensions recruitment is about the search for the perfect person.
The perfect person is the end result, what we need to focus on is how we get there.
At Zatori, we simplify pensions recruitment into 4 key areas (we call them corner stones) to help our clients maximise their results.
In our experience, you can 'get away with' doing some of these and make good hires. To sustain great pensions recruitment over a period of time, our experience tells us you need to focus on all 4.
So what are the warning signs that you might need to re-visit one of the 4 steps:
We highlight this because Pensions Recruiters often believe that by focussing on the search part of the process, they are adding a lot of value. Whilst this is true it does, you can see that a lot of the common issues highlighted don't actually come from the search phase.
Excellent pensions recruiters often recognise that you need to build the right foundations and set a strategy that gears the teams up for success (not let them go with a plan that is destined to fail but they don't want to be to honest to soon and tell them).
Likewise, pensions recruitment agencies should be using their expertise to share what a great candidate experience looks like. By working with their clients on the selection phase, they will increase hiring volumes and reduce time to hire (both metrics being really important to HR teams).
Martin has been advising businesses in talent acquisition and retention for over a decade. Discuss how you he can help you elevate your strategy, book a call or contact him at martin.wigfield@zatori-consulting.co.uk
Phone: 0113 467 5599
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