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We are your internal talent acquisition specialists who's mission is to grow your team whilst you grow your business
The recruitment agencies compete almost exclusively on the search element of the recruitment cycle. At Zatori, we know this is a small part of the puzzle which is why so many processes are slow or unsuccessful.
We combine the role of a internal recruitment with that of a professional search firm to deliver on each of the 4 corner stone's of recruitment that are critical to ensure each assignment is a success.
An Internal Recruiter with a proven track record
A fully trained search consultant (or head-hunter)
The creation of at least 3 recruitment assets to be used throughout the process
A bespoke recruitment strategy meeting that set's you up for success from day 1.
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What People Say About Us
Zatori are a well connected firm who bring a maturity and quality to recruitment
Phone: 0113 467 5599
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