
Careers in Pension Administration at Barnett Waddingham LLP

As a leading independent UK professional services consultancy across risk, pensions, investment and insurance, we’re free to do the right thing by all our clients at all times. 

We act as a trusted partner for a wide range of clients in both the private and public sectors – this includes 25% of FTSE 100 and over 15% of FTSE 350 companies. 

Register your interest in working at BW

Our guiding values


Why variety and pension administration go hand in hand?

BW firmly believe that variety drives interest.

That interest drives motivation.

That motivation drives performance.

It's not just words either, last year:

  • 14% were promoted across the two promotion seasons
  • 10 new job roles were created
  • 4% of the team moved to a different business area

Take a look at all the different areas you could get involved in:

  • Scheme Administration Specialist

    Tell us what you care about and why it is different

  • Project Management

    What does the team do?

    What type of skills do you look for?

    Why is it good to be involved in

  • Systems and Implementation

    What does the team do?

    What type of skills do you look for?

    Why is it good to be involved in

  • Accounts, Payroll & Banking

    Who are they 

    What do they do

    Why are they different

  • Operational & Team Management

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  • Client Relationship Management

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  • Project Analysis - Governance

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Who are BW pension administration and what do they do?

We are a team of experienced pension administration professionals who:

  • Look after 400 clients
  • 440,000 members
  • Cover a broad variety of schemes
    (DB, DC, Hybrid & CARE)

There are over 500 of us here at BW that have over 2,500 years relevant experience.

We continuously invest in individual and team development to improve outcomes for everyone (clients, members and colleagues alike).

We are passionate about pensions and the service we provide to clients (and have been for decades now). 

It's our people who deliver those outcomes which in turn supports to deliver our ambitious growth plan.

At Barnett Waddingham we do things differently, encouraging all our employees to work with freedom.

The freedom to challenge the norm, ask questions, explore new ideas, approaches and perspectives. The freedom to take on new challenges and opportunities. The freedom to work in a way that empowers you to make a real impact for our clients, the business and wider community.

Explore vacancies

Barnett Waddingham Vacancies

What does an recruitment process with BW look like?

  • Find a role you like

    Tell us what you care about and why it is different

  • Let us know

    What does the team do?

    What type of skills do you look for?

    Why is it good to be involved in

  • Tell us about you

    What does the team do?

    What type of skills do you look for?

    Why is it good to be involved in

  • Interview

    Who are they 

    What do they do

    Why are they different

  • Receive your offer

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Meet the team & onboarding

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  • Start your career with BW

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Schedule a call to start your BW journey

Our talent acquisition specialists:

Martin Wigfield

Account Director


Anthony Donohue

Talent Manager


What would you like to see here?

Duis rhoncus leo sem, et gravida quam suscipit dapibus. Fusce non placerat ex, ac semper tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas elementum tincidunt.

Suspendisse vel metus a nulla tincidunt

Suspendisse finibus a ex eget dapibus. Donec ligula libero, sollicitudin non tristique semper, suscipit in urna. Praesent facilisis erat nibh, id maximus erat gravida placerat.

Mauris suscipit purus mattis ligula

Quisque ante leo, tincidunt non pulvinar non, sodales a ligula. Nam vitae velit at nisi lobortis malesuada. Fusce porttitor dui ipsum, nec cursus odio sagittis vitae.

Duis rhoncus leo sem, et gravida quam suscipit

Curabitur gravida vulputate eros, sit amet rutrum lorem consequat ut. Suspendisse ultricies elit vitae ante condimentum, non pharetra massa egestas.

Praesent consequat pharetra auctor
Key responsibilities

Suspendisse finibus dapibus

Donec ligula libero, sollicitudin non tristique semper, suscipit in urna. Praesent facilisis erat nibh, id maximus erat gravida placerat. Nullam justo augue, eleifend sit amet sagittis sit amet, sodales in odio:

  • Morbi fermentum enim lectus.
    sit amet aliquam est tincidunt at. Mauris placerat nibh in est hendrerit viverra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras venenatis ultricies malesuada. In ultrices tellus non mauris cursus pharetra.
  • Aliquam erat volutpat.
    Nam ac eleifend risus. Aenean tristique, nisi sit amet pulvinar sodales, lorem lectus consectetur ipsum, eget euismod mauris erat eu lectus.
  • Nunc urna mauris.
    ullamcorper sit amet est nec, suscipit viverra ante. Suspendisse iaculis velit sapien, ut suscipit eros consequat non. Vivamus sit amet metus quis justo accumsan elementum malesuada at nisl.
  • Mauris volutpat eget ipsum vel ornare.
    Nunc facilisis erat nulla, vitae facilisis tortor venenatis sit amet. Praesent eros dolor, cursus sit amet nibh id, blandit iaculis neque.

Why work with the client?

Nam purus velit, varius ac malesuada eget, faucibus quis enim. Quisque rutrum rhoncus libero sit amet commodo. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eget porttitor vestibulum.

Quisque ante leo, tincidunt non pulvinar non, sodales a ligula. Nam vitae velit at nisi lobortis malesuada. Fusce porttitor dui ipsum, nec cursus odio sagittis vitae.

Donec volutpat mauris eget molestie lobortis:

  • Vivamus quis mi ultricies mi mollis ultrices ac sit amet est.
  • Quisque nec tellus fringilla, dignissim tellus eu, finibus eros.
  • Proin id ante vitae tortor faucibus.
  • Fusce lacinia mi quis magna faucibus.

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.

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